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Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis

Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Azerbaijan

New Year’s Eve takes a back seat to Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis every 31 December in Azerbaijan and among the Azerbaijani diaspora in some 70 countries worldwide.

202531 DecWedSolidarity Day of Azerbaijanis
202631 DecThuSolidarity Day of Azerbaijanis
202731 DecFriSolidarity Day of Azerbaijanis
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis is a national public holiday in Azerbaijan, and the 50 million or so people of Azerbaijani ethnicity all over the globe also mark this date on their calendar as of utmost importance.

After the Berlin Wall crumbled, the days of the USSR seemed numbered. In Azerbaijan, the fall of that symbol of division prompted the border between Soviet and Iranian Azerbaijan to be made “open” on 31 December in 1989. This act has ever since become a symbol of the unity of the Azerbaijani people.

On Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis, government leaders in Azerbaijan give speeches encouraging unity, or “solidarity”, among all of Azerbaijan’s diverse population.

Previous Years

202431 DecTueSolidarity Day of Azerbaijanis
202331 DecSunSolidarity Day of Azerbaijanis