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Syria Public Holidays 2027

This page contains a national calendar of all 2027 public holidays for Syria. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.

1 JanFriNew Year's Day
8 MarMonRevolution Day
9 Mar to 11 MarTue to ThuEid al-Fitr Holiday
21 MarSunMother's Day
28 MarSunEaster Sunday
17 AprSatIndependence Day
1 MaySatLabour Day
2 MaySunOrthodox Easter Sunday
6 MayThuMartyrs' Day
16 May to 19 MaySun to WedEid al-Adha Holiday
6 JunSunIslamic New Year
15 AugSunProphet Muhammad's Birthday
6 OctWedTishreen Liberation Day
25 DecSatChristmas Day
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2027 are released.