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Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Oman

Mawlid al Nabi, “Birthday of the Prophet” is a public holiday in Oman just as it is in many other countries with large Muslim populations.

20254 SepThuProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202625 AugTueProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202714 AugSatProphet Muhammad's Birthday
15 AugSunProphet Muhammad's Birthday Holiday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Oman observes Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday on the twelfth day of the month of Rabi al Awwal . The date of Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday shifts 11 or so days earlier each year on the Gregorian Calendar since Islam uses a lunar-based calendar system. And the exact date of the holiday for Oman is never known 100 percent for sure until the moon-sighting committee makes their official announcement.

People celebrate Mawlid al Nabi differently in Oman. Some simply go to mosque to pray and maybe decorate their homes. Others take part in or watch public events. Still others give gifts to the poor, usually food.

Previous Years

202415 SepSunProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202327 SepWedProphet Muhammad's Birthday