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Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day 2027 in Iraq

In Iraq, 6 January is Armed Forces Day, which looks back to the establishment of the Iraqi Armed Forces on this day back in 1921. 

20276 JanWedArmed Forces Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Even though Iraq’s army was disestablished after the Second Gulf War in 2003, it was soon rebuilt with help from U.S. forces. The date of Armed Forces Day is still based on the original founding date.

After 2009, Iraq’s army was tasked with securing internal security rather than just defending against foreign aggression. This was due to the increased terrorist activity and the frequent uprisings, which civilian police alone could not handle.

The Armed Forces of Iraq consist of an Army, Navy, and Air Force. The naval forces guard offshore oil drilling operations and import and export routes. The air force is not very advanced and mainly works to support and supply the army, which constitutes the great bulk of the Armed Forces.

Armed Forces Day is a time to honour those who have served and who are currently serving in the national armed forces.

Previous Years

20256 JanMonArmed Forces Day
20246 JanSatArmed Forces Day